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大学宿舍行为制度的目的是保护和维护由学生和员工建立的大学宿舍社区标准. Through this joint partnership, 学生和教职员共同决定最有利于学生成长和发展的生活环境. 行为制度为调查和裁决涉嫌违反这些社区标准的行为提供了一个及时而有序的过程. 违反大学住房政策的行为将以以下方式之一进行裁决:

  1. 与宿舍主任或研究生宿舍主任举行正式听证会.
  2. A formal hearing with an Assistant Director for Residence Life.
  3. 学生可能会被转介到学生办公室的任何和所有违规行为, which may result in a university sanction.

Student Rights in the Judicial Process
An accused student has the right to:

  1. 选择学生, 韦德体育app官网的教职员工或行政人员在整个听证过程中为他/她提供建议.
  2. Be notified in writing of the date, time and place of the hearing; specific charge(s); nature of the evidence; and names of the witnesses to be presented at least 72 hours prior to the hearing.
  3. Receive substantive and procedural due process.
  4. 拒绝出席听证会(在学生缺席的情况下,可以举行听证会并给予处分).
  5. Refuse to make self-incriminating statements.
  6. 为他/她作陈述,并使用证人陈述他/她的案件.
  7. Obtain written notification of the decision reached during the hearing.
  8. Appeal the decision to the assistant director for residence life
  9. Waive any of the above rights

Disciplinary Sanctions
大学宿舍和大学使用的行为体系是作为学术团体整体学习过程的一部分来实施的. 它的前提是所有个人都要对自己的行为负责,并以证据优势为基础. 大学宿舍行为制度的目的是教育,而不是惩罚. The goal in all conduct sanctions is to facilitate positive, responsible and constructive behavior changes.

Before disciplinary sanctions are issued, 学生可能会收到大学宿舍工作人员的书面口头警告. 书面口头警告的目的是记录工作人员和学生之间关于违反政策的谈话. 累积三次书面口头警告将被审查,并可能导致进一步的纪律处分. A record of the documented verbal warning is kept on file.

If a student receives a referral, a hearing is held. 如果他或她被发现对违反大学住房政策负责, any one or more of the following disciplinary sanctions may be issued:

大学的宿舍 written reprimand -书面谴责的目的是指出达到某些最低行为标准的责任. 如果同样的行为或任何其他违反大学住宿的政策和程序重复, further disciplinary action will be taken. A record of the written reprimand is kept on file.

大学的宿舍 disciplinary warning -这是一个强烈的书面警告,表明如果重复同样的行为或任何其他违反大学住宿政策和程序的行为,居民将面临更严厉的纪律处分. A record of the disciplinary warning is kept on file.

大学的宿舍 probation -留校察看的学生不被认为在大学宿舍有良好的信誉, 任何进一步的违规行为将导致停学或开除. A record of the probation status is kept on file.

Suspension from 大学的宿舍 -在一段特定的时间内,学生不得进入大学宿舍,在此期间,所有的访问权限也被暂停. 在正式批准重新进入住房之前,必须向居住生活助理主任提交书面请求.

Dismissal from 大学的宿舍 – A resident is dismissed permanently from 大学的宿舍, and all visitation privileges are revoked.

失去特权 -根据违规的性质,居民可在指定的时间内被剥夺特定的特权.

教育类 -作为其制裁的一部分,居民可能必须参加教育课程.

Educational sanction – Residents may be given an educational sanction which can include, but is not limited to, 写论文, conducting an interview, making a bulletin board or poster, social media sanction, and/or creating a presentation.

Student Success or 学术支持 meeting学生可能需要参加一次或多次与学术支持人员的会议, who provide support related to coursework and grades.

评估 -居民可能会被评估他们对大学房屋财产造成的任何损害. If the identity of residents responsible for damage is unknown, members of the appropriate room, floor or building will share equally for damage charges. 违反大学住宿政策和程序的学生也可能被收取大学住宿服务费.

Additional sanctions – Additional sanctions, such as community service, 工作任务, 阅读作业以及本手册中未明确列出的处罚, 也可以发出.

在发布纪律处分之前,将对学生当前的纪律状况进行审查. Conduct sanctions are progressive. 例如, 如果你已经收到了大学住房警告,并且被发现违反了其他住房政策, 处罚可能是警告的下一级——缓刑或停职.


  • 发生了程序错误或遗漏,严重影响了听证结果(e.g. 已证实的偏差,与既定程序的重大偏差等.)
  • To consider new evidence, unavailable during the original hearing or investigation, that could substantially impact the original finding or sanction. 必须包括对这一新证据及其潜在影响的总结.

上诉请求必须在行为听证结果通知后的三(3)个工作日内以书面形式提交. 上诉必须提交给决定书面通知中指明的人, 通常是在发出制裁的个人之上一级的住房或大学工作人员. 任何有关行为制裁申诉的问题可直接向大学宿舍主任提出.


Hamlin Hall, Room 448
550 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(248) 370-3570

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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